
This is where to find 51³Ô¹ÏÍø academic policies, procedures, and regulations, including those used for assuring the quality and enhancement of the student learning experience. In this area Students and Staff can access all pertinent information relating to the student journey.

Academic Quality Assurance & Enhancement Procedures

Collaborative programmes

  • Collaborative Provision [Please note the procedures in this document are under review - contact the Assistant Registrar Partnerships, Richard Sherry for further information]

Course design, review and closure

Curriculum managers and exam board members

  • Curriculum Managers - Procedure and Criteria for Appointment, Roles and Responsibilities, Module/Strand Leader Handbooks etc.(Managed by Programme Management in Academic Registry, led by Adam Hall)
  • External Examiners (Managed by the Examinations and Assessments team in Academic Registry, led by Laura Aguirre De Carcer)
  • Appointing members of Boards of Examiners (Managed by the Examinations and Assessments team in Academic Registry, led by Laura Aguirre De Carcer)

Student engagement

  • Academic Committees (Managed by the Accreditation and Validation Management team in Academic Registry, led by Cheryl Jackson)

If you are having difficulties viewing the above mind-map, please click here to download a PDF version.

The RVC maps its Academic Quality Assurance and Enhancement Procedures against the UK Quality Code for Higher Education and the Office for Students ongoing conditions of registration. The College also takes into consideration the requirements of relevant Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs).

The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) confirmed the quality and standards of provision at the 51³Ô¹ÏÍø following its review visit in February 2015. A team of QAA reviewers visited the 51³Ô¹ÏÍø and judged that its academic standards, the quality of its student learning opportunities, and the quality of information about its learning opportunities all meet UK expectations. The enhancement of its student learning opportunities is commended. 

Programme Management

Timetabling policy and procedures

Procedure for students wanting to transfer between RVC undergraduate courses

Studying abroad

Student Attendance Policy 2024/25

    EMS and IMR Attendance and Absence Policies 2024/25

    Religion and belief observances in relation to teaching and assessment

    Student Performance and Development System (including Fitness to Study policy and guidance)

    Student Contract

    General Regulations for Study and Awards (replaced the General Regulations for Internal Students of the 51³Ô¹ÏÍø)

    Credit, Credit Accumulation and Modules

    Examinations & Assessment

    This is where you will find policies, regulations, guidance and procedural information regarding exams and assessment.

    You might also be interested in the following links:

    A Guide to the Documentation available for Examiners and Examining in Taught Courses at the RVC

    There are four types of document:

    1. Policy: Statements about particular expectations in the design of regulations and operation of procedures

    2. Regulatory: Formal requirements that all Courses, Examiners and Boards of Examiners must meet

    3. Procedures: Set instructions that Examiners and Course Directors must follow

    4. Guidance: Reference documents to enable Examiners and Course Directors to undertake their roles.

    All courses are governed by the following:

    Title Contents Type of document
    Regulations for Boards of Examiners Describes the makeup and duties of members of the Board Regulatory

    Procedure, Criteria and Nomination Form for appointment of Chairs and Deputy Chairs of Boards of Examiners

    Procedure for appointing a new Chair or Deputy Chair of Exam Board, including a nomination form with criteria of appointment Procedure
    Code of Practice for Pre Meetings to Boards of Examiners Business to be dealt with prior to formal meetings of Boards of Examiners Procedure

    Procedure to ensure the Security of Examinations and Assessment
    Procedure covering the security of exam and assessment material, conduct in exams, document retention etc. Procedure
    Setting Examination Papers How written examination papers have to be set Procedure
    How Exams are Marked How exams should be marked eg Sample and Double marking requirements etc. Procedure

    Guidance for Design of Assessment in Modules   

    How to ensure that the load of assessment on students is equivalent between different modules etc.


    Marking Schemes:

    How to mark/grade assessments ±Ê´Ç±ô¾±³¦²â​

    Extensions to submission dates and authorised absences:

    Guidance to Students on meeting submission deadlines

    Allowable reasons for granting of extensions to submission deadlines

    Assessment Extension Request Form

    Summative Assessment Authorised Absence Form

    How a student can gain extensions Procedure

    Guidance for Boards of Examiners concerning major project resubmission

    What and how to decide when a student has failed a project​ Guidance

    Responsibilities and Guidance on annual activity for Course Directors or BVetMed Year Leaders

    The course director’s responsibilities in relation to examinations Guidance

    Responsibilities and Guidance on annual activity for Chairs of Boards of Examiners [under review]

    The chair’s responsibilities in relation to examinations Guidance

    Academic Director of Assessment: Role Descriptor

    The Academic Director(s) of Assessment's role and responsibilities Guidance
    Special Examination Arrangements Information How a student can seek adjustment to their exams and how it is considered and approved Procedure

    Academic Misconduct and Plagiarism

    For further information please refer to  Student Appeals, Complaints or Conduct  Procedure

    Exams Calendar for MSc Degrees (first and second attempts, deferrals, progression)

    Cycle of activity in MSc degree examinations Procedure
    Feedback to Taught Students at the RVC – Policy & Guidance

    Who, when and how feedback should be given to taught students

    Policy on Formative Assessment

    Policy & Guidance

    Oral Examinations by Tele or Video-conferencing (not applicable to MRes or distance learning courses)

    Using Skype and video conferencing Procedure

    Guidance for digital/paperless assessment of taught courses

    Guidance on the planning, set-up and delivery of remote online assessments Guidance

    Systems Failure in Relation to Online Submission of Assessments

    Outline of the RVC procedure when there is a system failure that impacts on submission of online assessments, for example via Online Coursework Management (OCM) or TurnItIn, as well as any other appropriate submission portal.


    Suspension of Regulation Protocol

    A workflow for suspension of regulation.


    Student UKVI Attendance and Monitoring

    Attendance monitoring policy for students on a study route visa or in receipt of a US loan


    You might also be interested in other College regulations and procedures:

    • Human Resources A - Z Forms and Policies for documentation relating to standards of conduct for staff and students
    • for documentation related to the use of RVC computers, internet, telephones, printers. etc by RVC staff and students
    • Policy and Legal for documentation relating to Governance, Publication Scheme, Finance, Information Compliance, Health and Safety, Risk Management, Public Interest Disclosure, etc.

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